About Mountain Legacy Veterinary Center

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So far Mountain Legacy Veterinary Center has created 10 blog entries.

MLVC: Quality Veterinary Care Close to Home

We love living with our pets in our rural mountain town of Gunnison, but we know that finding a full-service veterinarian outside the bigger cities can be difficult. That’s where we come in. At Mountain Legacy Veterinary Center (MLVC), providing quality full-service veterinary care is our specialty. And, what about those challenging medical cases and [...]

7 Benefits of In-Home Veterinary Care

If you think taking your pet to the veterinarian is a hassle, you will appreciate our exceptional in-home veterinary services that can benefit you and your pet. You don’t have to head to the city when your pet requires veterinary attention, since we can provide advanced medical care in your home. Our team at Mountain [...]

Orthopedic Surgery in Pets

Orthopedic surgery involves repairing a bone or joint affected by trauma or a congenital condition, and these procedures have a high success rate in returning a pet’s limb to normal or near normal status. Our team at Mountain Legacy Veterinary Center uses advanced techniques and comprehensive anesthesia monitoring to ensure the highest quality of life [...]

Pancreatitis in Pets

When your pet’s normally unassuming pancreas becomes angry, the whole body is at its mercy. This unobtrusive organ is a sensitive fellow prone to dramatic outbursts. Unfortunately, without some knowledge of the pancreas and its somewhat fickle nature, pet owners may overlook the dangerous condition of pancreatitis. Don’t let your pet’s problematic pancreas catch you [...]

Hospice and Palliative Care—An Overview for Pet Owners

If you have a senior pet whose health is declining, or they have a terminal disease, you may be unsure what steps to take next. If pursuing aggressive treatment seems unreasonable, and you don’t believe your pet is ready for euthanasia, hospice care may be a good option. Our team at Mountain Legacy Veterinary Center [...]

Using Ultrasonography to Improve Bovine Reproductive Management

Determining the breeding female’s pregnancy status is an important management tool in bovine herds, to identify which cows should be removed from the herd, and if estrous synchronization and artificial insemination attempts were successful. Ultrasonography offers many advantages over manual palpation, and makes this process more efficient and profitable. Our team at Mountain Legacy Veterinary [...]

6 Ways to Guarantee Success When Medicating Your Pet

“Oh no,” you think to yourself, when the veterinarian hands you a large bottle of what appears to be capsules big enough for a horse. “How am I supposed to get these into my dachshund to treat that infected tooth?” Medicating your pet is not always easy, and can seem impossible at times. If, despite [...]

What Pet Owners Need to Know About Veterinary Burnout

Burnout results from chronic workplace stress that is not successfully managed. The syndrome is characterized by three dimensions including energy depletion, increased mental distance from one’s job, and negative feelings about one’s job. While working in veterinary medicine can be extremely rewarding, the career can also be extremely stressful. Veterinarians are at high risk for [...]

Marijuana Toxicity in Pets

Marijuana use was recently legalized in Colorado, making the drug’s household presence a common occurrence. As marijuana has become more accessible across the country, pets have increasingly been affected. In fact, the Animal Poison Control Center reported a 765 percent increase in calls about pets ingesting marijuana in 2019, compared with the same period the [...]

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